A general introduction to buffing and polishing of metals.


Ever wonder how the polishing process works using polishing wheels, mops or buffs with compounds?. Take the hard yards out of physically doing it by hand, you can use a drill machine, bench grinder or a polishing/sander type machine.

Broadly speaking: You have various types of polishing mops ranging in many shapes and sizes depending on what you would like to polish. Examples to name a few – sisal, white stitch, colour stitch, loose flap, swansdown etc.

Polishing compounds with varying abrasives capabilities are an important component of this process and when applied to the relevant mop enhances the polishing task.  These compounds consist of a wax substance mixed with different abrasive powders. 

Like sand paper and water paper, you use various “grits” as it were, to remove scratches and then a finer “grit” for a brighter finish.

Whilst the polishing mop is rotating on the machine, the compound is applied. Due to the friction of the compound on the wheel, the wax melts and the abrasive and wax form a thin film on the wheel surface. It is this spinning surface that cuts away at the blemishes. The heavier the “grit” and the harder the mop, the stronger cutting capabilities whilst the finer “grit” with a softer mop gives a brilliant shine.

You’ll find that various metals and surfaces require different buffs and compounds because their condition, hardness or softness, shape and size may vary. An important point in purchasing a polishing kit, for example is first – what are you polishing, second – what machine you have to do the job with and third – do you have the spindle adaptor or mandrel for attaching the mops?

Have a look at our range at www.polish-up.com.au and see which polishing kit, buff, mop or compound will best suit your polishing need.

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