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Alloy, Stainless Steel Metal Polish Called Blue Sapphire

Liquid and Paste Blue Sapphire

If you are looking for a clever polish that’ll give you a brilliant finish and make your metal surface resonate then this is the polish. Using nano technology, this product has been designed for bikes mainly but can also be used on an extensive variety of metal surfaces. The results will speak for themselves and will definitely be money well spent.

Try it!

Blue Sapphire are metal polishes that impart the same brilliant shine as Liquid Reflection, however it is designed for detailed and intricate surfaces such a motorbike chrome or antiques. After polishing Blue Sapphire dries to a fine powder that is easily brushed or vacuumed off, leaving no residue to adhere to the surface. High pressure air can also be used to blow out left over polish caught in tight nooks and crannies.

Blue sapphire is recommended for Chrome trim over Liquid Reflection as the abrasive is a little finer.


Ultimate Match

Posted by vicki

This product when used after the tinned product really is a perfect match. Never have I seen such an amazing mirrored showroom finish after using these outstanding products. Thankyou Polish Up ! customer for life

Best Polish Ever

Posted by vicki

This product in my opinion really is the best for deep cleaning metals particularly alloy. No shortcuts with cheap imitations will I take again. Definitely a winner in my book.

Blue Sapphire polishing paste

Posted by Col

Product worked better than expected would highly recommend

Cerium Oxide Glass Polish | Polishing Glass

Polish Up Microfiber Cloths

400 x 400mm Microfibre Polishing Cloth

Microfiber cloths are used for cleaning and polishing, are generally constructed from split conjugated fibers of polyester and polyamide.  They can hold up to seven times there weight in water and have exceptional ability to absorb oils, and are not hard enough to scratch even paintwork.

These Microfiber cloths require no cleaning fluid. Ensure that your microfiber cloth is clean and not retaining any grit as it will scratch the surface you are polishing.

They must only be washed in regular washing detergent, not oily, self-softening, soap-based detergents. Fabric softener must not be used. The oils in the softener and self-softening detergents will clog up the fibers and make them less effective until the oils are washed out.

The following diagram illustrates the efficiency of microfiber cloths as opposed to cotton or other cloths. (Information provided by Wikipedia)


Quality Microfibre

Posted by Co from Quialigo

You get what you pay for !! Remember that when you consider a cheap pack of microfibre from other suppliers. These are top quality and you will know that when you use them because they do what microfibre should, especially when drying smooth surfaces like glass or polished bench tops.

Quality vs Price

Posted by Unknown

There are cheaper options available, but I found the microfibre cloth from Polish Up to be higher quality and you will notice this when it comes to using them. Be aware of quantity packs at what will seem to be “a good price”. You get what you pay for!!

Truck Polishing Kits For Stainless Steel & Alloys

A very popular range of Airflow Alloy Bullbar Kits. Used mainly to polish trucks and rigs bringing those wheels, bull-bars, fuel tanks, chrome and stainless steel surfaces to a very high finish.

Before using the kit, the metal surface should be prepared with 800-1200 grit wet and dry abrasive paper. The better the surface is prepped, the better the the finish..

The kits generally include a cutting and finishing combination. The cutting combination i.e. (yellow) treated airflow with brown Tripoli for alloy or Course Cutter for stainless steel removes fine abrasive marks and leaves the surface with a dullish finish. The finishing combination i.e. (white) natural aiflow with the Green Chrome or SS Finish Stainless Steel will bring up your metal surface to a very high finish.

What you’ll also find in these kits is a tub of Vienna Lime or whiting Powder. Whilst you are polishing, residue compound or black grease will stay on the metal surface. Using a microfiber cloth, dip the cloth into the powder and wipe away the residue.This will save you a lot of downtime between compounds and polishing wheels as you need to remove the residue before using another combination. It literally cuts away the residue.

There are often smaller polishing wheels in these kits. These are used for those smaller, tighter areas. Used with a drill machine, usually a tapered drill adaptor, the same principle is used as the airflow wheels.

It is suggested that you use a wire brush to “freshen” the polishing wheel every few minute to remove residue compound and metal build-up accumulated during the polishing process. If you don’t then fleck marks begin to appear on your polishing surface. This will be caused by metal picked up by the polishing wheel rubbing against the surface you are working on. Use a wire brush held against the spinning wheel. Once done, reapply some more compound.

Apply compound to the polishing wheel as it spins. Do this for just a second or two as not a lot of compound is required.

Use the metal polish once you’ve finished polishing. It’ll give the surface a deep rich lustre.

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